Putting This in Your Opening Paragraph Guarantees Your Story Will Be Amazing


The secret is out. If you want to be an award-winning, famous, beloved writer, you need only remember one thing: Bears.

Over at , Seth Fried convincingly argues that all stories are better when you devotedly follow the rules taught in creative writing classes and always begin your stories with bears at the front door.

No bear:

Henry and Alice stood by their front door. There was nothing at it and nothing happened. Henry looked like he was about to say something, but then he didn’t.


Henry and Alice stood near their front door. Suddenly they saw through the window that there was a bear at it. They opened the door and stepped out onto the porch, where the ferocious beast gave them both a meaningful look.

“I am your son,” the bear said.

See. Better. Fried also explains why three famous novels suffer because they lack bears in their openings.

via Tin House

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