Chamber Music by Jordan Zandi via Little Star


Chamber Music

No one knows where the storm came from.

Scratching their heads—the weathermen. The satellites
bungled the news. Clumsy
instruments. Then somebody said:

It’s just a projection.

Yet hadn’t the dog in its doghouse howled;
and didn’t the cat jump down from the roof?

Inside mangroves a man docks his boat.
Inside his cabin he rides in a storm.
He opens the bottle of wine.

Outside, the storm peeks in through the porthole.
And the wind is frisking.

Here is what else a storm’s eye sees:
it doesn’t say much

            but it sees me.

With a ukulele. Having a memory.

Pink and cheap—the ukulele.

Although the storm

—it changes nothing.

Sting of the sky’s electric string-release!

Which changes nothing.

Was I the man with wine and a boat?
I wasn’t the man with wine and a boat

but the boy on the dock
was me.

“Chamber Music” originally appeared in Little Star and is included in Solarium — out now from Sarabande Books.
Jordan Zandi PoetryJordan Zandi is the author of Solarium (Sarabande Books, 2016), which was chosen by Henri Cole as winner of the Kathryn A. Morton Prize. He holds an M.F.A. in poetry from Boston University, where he was an Elizabeth Leonard Fellow and a Robert Pinsky Global Fellow to Bolivia. His poems have appeared in The New Republic, Little Star, Bluestem Online, and The Laurel Review. He is founder and co-editor of Prodigal, an independent print and online journal of poetry and prose. He currently lives in Indianapolis with his wife and their two rabbits.
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