Oswald’s Ghost Addresses the Warren Commission by Matt Morton via Forklift, Ohio


Oswald’s Ghost Addresses the Warren Commission

Well first of all for the record I was a boy
I rode the trains underground with my face
pressed against the front car window and I could
not have been closer without falling into it
the darkness in front of all the people watching
from the platform which is to say we were racing
past faster always them wearing their anonymous
faces no doubt practiced or perhaps it was me who
was anonymous in their eyes only you see sirs
if I may it was this that I wanted to be included in
what is known to us as history I have read many
books on the subject stepping into my own role
the way you might feel the temperature of a
doorknob before turning it and entering a room
as if a man could this way make a sort of covenant
with the world so that no matter what he did or did
not do it would be marked down and permanent
like how I was a boy sitting with my mother nights
and the screen’s blue flickering or for another
example take the spy planes I am a veteran do not
forget it I have been to Japan and Moscow how
the sleek chrome planes fired off the cruiser and
vanished into the secret altitudes and all of it a life
connected by a pattern drawn on the land a code
as if planted there some time before me conspiring
to lead me through a life that wasn’t mine at all
but a series of events which from the start had the
name Lee Marina would say Lee do you love me
and the pattern waiting there to okay sirs yes I see
you want to know you are asking if it was me
shot him and that sirs is hard a very indeed difficult
question because say my right index finger was
poised on the trigger and the sun glinting off
the overpass and although it was November
the grass somehow green and once in Ft. Worth
it’s funny I was a Texas boy see once I held
a can of coke as cold as solid ice up to my cheek
and I rode trains with my face touching darkness
and if this all happened truly to me your question
then has implications going beyond what
you are asking because what is one man really
when all of my life was this question asking
itself over again which was is there someone
helping me do these things I was and me hoping
certain history was something a man could become
though all the time afraid I was acting alone

“Oswald’s Ghost Addresses the Warren Commission” originally appeared in Forklift, Ohio and has been reprinted here with permission of the author.

matt morton poetryMatt Morton has poetry appearing in Crazyhorse, Gulf Coast, Harvard Review, Indiana Review, and elsewhere. A finalist for a Ruth Lilly Fellowship from the Poetry Foundation, he is also the recipient of the Sycamore Review Wabash Prize for Poetry, a work-study scholarship from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, and the John Hollander Scholarship from the Sewanee Writers’ Conference. He serves as associate editor for 32 Poems and is a Robert B. Toulouse Doctoral Fellow in English at the University of North Texas.

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